Jan 3, 2007
Jan 1, 2007
Posted by Mama ManakWell...I know I'm a week late, but better late than never huh? Actually...I'm not that late! It's still Christmas...the 8th day of Christmas! :)
This last week of Christmas has been packed with Midnight Mass, Christmas morning, visiting with family, walks on the beach, yummy candy, good food, new Christopher phases and much, much more!
Mass on Christmas Eve was quite an adventure! Christopher had been up much of the night before so Jason and I were so exhausted on Sunday morning that we slept through the alarm clock...with Christopher in bed with us too! Christopher usually wakes up from the alarm clock when he is sleeping in his crib, so it was very odd that being right next to us in bed he didn't wake up when it went off. Usually our Church has an evening Mass, but since those Masses became the Christmas vigil Mass, Jason and I weren't sure what to do until we remembered the 1:30PM Spanish Mass! The homily was a bit hard to understand...but Christ was there and it was awesome!
After Mass on Christmas Eve, Christopher and I took a nap before heading over to Jason's Aunt Lisa's house in Belmont for dinner and games. It was so much fun to be together with family! Spaghetti and Meatballs were so yummy and we headed off from her house about 10:00 to attend Carols and Midnight Mass at St. Dominic's in San Francisco. For those of you who were at our wedding, St. Dominic's is a bit bigger than St. Alphonsus, the Church we were married in. For Midnight Mass St. Dominic's was full to the rafters! I wish it was always like that! The music for Mass was so beautiful with the full chant, polyphonic choir, and wonderful organ & brass ensemble.
Christmas morning Christopher got us up at 9AM...probably the latest he'll ever let us sleep in on Christmas morning from now on. We opened presnts, but after his stocking and his second present he decided it was nap time! This gave Jason and I time to spend together opening presents and eating breakfast. In the afternoon we went over to Jason's Aunt Lisa's again and had Christmas dinner with Jason's grandparents and his Aunt, Uncle and cousins, Justin and Lauren. After dinner we played a very long game of Cranium. It was a lot of fun and Christopher took a nap on Lisa's bed which gave me some fun free arms time. :)
For Christmas we got Christopher some cute little toys, two church outfits and a baby walker. He loves being outside on the deck, but we didn't have anything to put him in out there. The walker is perfect. He really enjoys watching the cars drive by the golf course from our deck. Jason also got Christopher the cutest little stuffed animal cat...it was in the top of Christopher's stocking on Christmas morn.
Jason gave me workout clothes, a watch, casual clothes, the first Zorro movie and Dove Chocolate! Yum! Jason loves to spoil me for Christmas. Because his finals went through Friday he didn't got shopping till Saturday night...he loves me so much. I really like the workout clothes. They all feel so good! I'm excited to continue working out this new year. I feel so much more positive, energetic, and better about myself when I consistently work out hard.
I gave Jason a leather daily planner. He's been wanting one to keep all his school, professor, project appointments in. Jason's also been wanting a leather jacket but everywhere I looked they were WAY too expensive. Then I walked through this one store a week before Christmas and they had one leather jacket on sale marked down from $375 to $59!!! I was SO excited! I also gave him some cologne/afterspray. He was running out and said that he wanted me to pick him a new kind. I was really at a loss when I went to the store. I was smelling all of the different samples...the clerk asked me if I was ok! Finally I picked two that I liked and they were sold out of one, so Jason got the other. :)
Thursday night Jason's grandparents and aunt and uncle came over for dinner to celebrate Lisa, Grandpa Bruce and Jason's birthdays since they are all around the same time. We had steaks (yum!) and a big tray of brownies with pies! It was great to have Jason's family over to our apartment.
Saturday afternoon my family (on my Mom's side) came over for a early dinner and Christmas visit! They included my Mom's sister, Aunt Nancy Rose, and her son and my cousin Brent, his wife, Anna, and their son Jonathon. Their visit was so much fun!!! We took a lovely evening walk on the beach and caught the end of the sunset before heading back for dessert. Brent also brought a photo album of his childhood and teenage years. It was so great to see pictures of my Nana, Grandad and Mom...as well as family I've never met. My Aunt Nancy Rose gave me a hand painted scarf that she made. I'll take a picture soon and post it. It is SO beautiful!!!
Pictures of Christmas will follow soon! May God continue to bless your Christmas Season!