Oct 1, 2009
Aug 10, 2009
Jul 7, 2009
Matthew's birth story
Posted by Mama ManakMatthews birth story
Yay for a totally natural childbirth!!! No pitocin or drugs of any kind. Exactly how I wanted it...and a very healthy boy! Thank you, God!
My body has been slowly dilating by come and go contractions for weeks now. On Sunday night I noticed some thin discharge happening with contractions. I called my doctor on Monday morning and went in to find out I was 8 cm dilated, fully effaced and leaking amniotic fluid.
My doctor then sent me to the hospital. At 3:00 I had my water broken and several minutes later contractions started. At 4:00 I knew things were happening faster and Jason wasn't here from work yet. He walked in at 4:10 and I was in transition. The contractions were on top of each other and I was 9 cm.
I started feeling the urge to push around 4:25 so they called my doctor who came right in already dressed! I started pushing and he was born at 4:32pm! He cried once and I knew he was ok.
Matthew Thomas Manak is a healthy big boy. Christopher and Monica were 6lbs 6 oz but Matthew was 8 lbs 14 oz! Almost 9 lbs! His apgar scores were both 9. I can already tell he will be a easy going baby and I'm so excited to be chosen to be a part of his life!
Where will these tiny Feet go? What wonderful things will his Hands accomplish? How will the world be a better place because of him? Stay tuned to find out!
Please continue to pray for our safe recovery. Jason leaves on Saturday to England on business for 2 weeks. I am already feeling so much better than I did with Christopher and Monica. I guess 100% natural is the best in terms of recovery!
We can't wait for you all to meet Matthew!!! I will post pictures when I get home. Love to all!
P.s. There are a few pictures on our facebook pages. :)
Matthew Thomas Manak
July 6, 2009
4:32 pm - 8 lbs 14 oz
20 inches long