Jan 31, 2009

Amusing Happening...

The kids are eating right now...they are side by side in their highchair seats. Monica started coughing when she got too much water in her mouth and Christopher immediately responds, "bless you, bless you, bless you!" Which only makes her start fake coughing so he can keep blessing her! :) Gotta love kiddies...

Jan 29, 2009

18 Weeks...and counting!

How your baby's growing:
Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He/she is busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.

Wedding Gifts!

Hi all,

We have several friends as well as Jason's Mom getting married this year! I saw this post and really liked some of the ideas in the comment responses. Can you all give me your input? What gifts were most helpful when you got married?

Original post located here at MONEY SAVING MOM:

So...Sorry...but, back!

The past 6 weeks have been ones of great change, sacrifice and little joys!

Jason started his new job on December 17th and what a blessing that has been for us! His commute is an hour each way, but he takes the motorcycle most days and really enjoys riding. He enjoys his job and co-workers very much. They all seem to be very appreciative of him and like his work. They even gave him a Best Buy gift card for Christmas! LOL...that proves it's a good fit!

The kids and I have been adjusting to having Jason gone during the day. He most often doesn't get home till 6:30-7:30, so the kids have been eating dinner around 6ish, then Jason and I eat when he gets home. I miss having dinner together as a family, but at this point I'm not sure how we can. The kids just can't wait that long to eat. So, Jason gets his "play" time in with them when he gets home! How they LOVE that! When Christopher hears the garage door close he yells, "Daddy!" As soon as Jason walks through the door, Christopher takes off calling behind him, "Get me, Daddy, Get me!" And hence the chase ensues...

I've also been missing stopping into my handsome's office for the periodic, "I love you" kiss! What a change it is having him an hour away! It does make evenings a time to look forward too and I order my whole day around my Beloveds entrance into our home! I've been making a big effort to have the house clean, make-up on, sweatpants off, dinner ready and a kiss awaiting him whenever he enters the door! I LOVE my vocation as his wife and a mother to our three children!

Speaking of three children... Baby number three is still residing inside me, but making his/her presence known by constantly giving me little knudges, kicks, and hugs from the inside! I love feeling him/her! It's so amazing to see Christopher and Monica crawling/running around and realize they were once where this new little one is! What a miracle life is! Seriously...a soul is growing inside my body...where will he/she go? What will she/he do to make this world a better place? Where will those feet go...who will those eyes see...what wonderful things will those tiny hands that are forming do? I'm so in awe of the wonderful miracle that surrounds my days.

That being said however...my morning sickness experience from the last two pregnancies has revisited me. In some ways I really wish I could go into hibernation until the baby is born! January 1st our old insurance expired, but we had to wait for Jason's new insurance to process us before we could get some more meds to help with the effects of morning (day for me) sickness. So...I spent about two weeks literally near the bathroom! Without the meds, I can't keep ANYTHING down until 8-9PM. NOTHING! It was really hard because I was still nursing Monica, but it helped with the weaning process! I just felt so weak! Monica is now only nursing once during the night and sometimes never. She's been getting very good at taking the bottle. However, she still breaks my heart when she climbs onto my lap, facing me, and says, "eeese, eeese, eeese!" She knows the word please and uses the combination of that word with her cute looks and invoking hands to twist Mommy's heart into giving her the desires of her heart!

One day we REALLY needed to go to Costco to get diapers. Getting down to 2 diapers when you have two toddlers in them is NOT a good situation to be in! I was really sick, but knew I had to get into Costco and out no matter what! I got the diaper back packed, shoes on all three of us, coats on and keys in hand...as we headed for the door I knew I wouldn't make it so I ducked into the bathroom. Usually I go in there, shut the door and do my stuff, but this time I left the door open since it came on me so fast. Christopher comes in to find me throwing up. His initial reaction is, "Oh No, Mommy!" with a sound of horror filling his voice! He then realizes this really isn't what Mommy needs right now, so he changes his tone and begins to say, "Good job, Mommy! Good job. Way to go! There, Mommy, Good job!" So...there I am laughing while throwing up! Monica then enters the bathroom and seeing how Mommy is not able to stop her, she proceeds directly to the toilet paper and unrolls it onto the ground. Christopher says, "No Monica. Bad girl." He takes her out of the bathroom and comes back in and rolls up the toilet paper for me! What a great son! :)

I'll try and post some pictures soon. Jason has been downloading them all onto his Mac, so I need to see if he can put them on the media server so I can access them from my machine as well.

Until then...farewell...

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