Sep 11, 2006


Yesterday we went to St. Dominic's in the city. It felt so much like home! They have a Solemn Novus Ordo Mass a lot like the Sunday Mass at Christendom College. And...on top of things they have a great choir (ok...not quite as good as Christendom's) and a good organist! We met Fr. Francis (how ironic that the first priest we met at a Dominican Church was Fr. Francis, huh?) and Fr. Anselm after Mass. Fr. Anselm is a priest from Germany and is a professor of Philosophy. We are looking forward to getting to know these priests better and having them over for dinner soon. We will probably also check out St. Francis National Shrine, but Jason and I both really felt at home at St. Dominic's. St. Dominic's also has a Mom's group which is meeting at the end of the month, so I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting some other young moms. St. Dominic's also has lots of parking and isn't too far from Jason's school, so I can drive in and meet him for Mass on his busy days in the city. top it all off...there are TWO Starbucks within two blocks of St. Dominic's! For those of you who don't know, Jason and I have had a weekly tradition of getting coffee after Mass since before we were dating! Yay for traditions!

Yesterday afternoon we drove up to Windsor, CA in Sonoma County (about an hour drive) to meet/visit my maternal relatives. I hadn't seen my cousin Brent since he held me as a baby! He is now married to a wonderful woman, Anna and they have a son Jonathan. Brent's Mom and my Aunt Nancy Rose (my Mom's sister) was there as well with her husband. It was so wonderful to be around family again...even if I don't know them really well...something our time out here will remedy I hope. :)

I went to the grocery store today...I love how cheap the produce is here! It's so awesome. I'm really proud of myself cause I saved 30% on our grocery bill by buying sales and such. :) That feels good! I'm going to try out The Grocery Game. I had looked at it while in VA, but never put much effort into it. I'll let you guys know how it works! :) to walk on the beach! Thanks for all your prayers! Jason's first day of classes went well and he was able to switch out a class, so he's taking animation this semester! He's so happy...and so am I! It's amazing how God works out all things for His glory and our happiness when we trust in Him!


Anonymous said...

AUUUUUUUGGGHHH! I have to catch up with you! Got your message and praise God you're all doing well! My phone is literally falling to pieces and I'm hoping to get a new one by Friday, but it's still somewhat usable, so I'll try to call you tonight! So glad to hear that things are well, love the pics of little Christopher! Keep your eyes open for good flights so I can get some beach shots of the beautiful family! Love you and miss you, we're taking good care of the house! Talk soon! (PRAY FOR ME!)

With love,
Aunt Shi

Anonymous said...

Christen ... praise God you found St. Dominic's. Isn't it beautiful?

I really enjoyed Mass there and the pro-life group seemed rather active. Our house is always praying for the three of you and we hope you are settling into your new home well.

Call us if you need anything or just someone to talk with.

With and through the Father's love,
Jessica and the Missionaries

Anonymous said...

Christen~ your blog is AWESOME! I just read every single post :) I LOVE the different epxressions on Christopher's face~ lol they are SO adorable :) AND the pics of you guys walking around the redwoods~ totally sweet! I've always wanted to see those, too! It sounds lovely out there. Well, may God bless you thousands of times over :)
ps I just wrote you a letter~ so it should be coming soon :-)

Matthaeus Evangelista said...

I, too, am glad that you found St. Dominic's. He's one heck of a saint, and the Dominicans are one heck of an order. :)

Unfortunately, though, I have some bad news. This simply means altering tradition not getting rid of it, but Starbucks matches dollar for dollar what their employees donate to Planned Parenthood. I would strongly recommend that you find a local coffeehouse and support upstart businesses.

The words that I just wrote, don't sound like my manner of speaking so I'll stop there.

Still in my prayers.

In Christ and St. Dominic!

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