Aug 29, 2006

Big Trees - New School - Big City

Well, on Monday we went to see the Redwood Trees! They are so huge!!! The largest was 40 ft wide! Jason's Dad got a really cool picture of Jason, Christopher and I on the tree. It was so great to see these trees. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time . . . ever since my Mom would tell me stories of them. It's really cool to be seeing all the things she told us about California when we were growing up.

Tuesday we took Jason's Dad to the airport and then headed into the city by ourselves for the first time. We took BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) into the city . . . what a great experience. :) Then Christopher and I wandered around the Financial District of the city while Jason met with a couple of people from his new School, the Academy of Art. He then met up with me and we had a sandwich at an awesome cafe and walked around for about an hour. Christopher was such a good little guy this afternoon and especially loved it when Dad (Jason) held him as we walked around the city.

Well...gotta go get some sleep. Christopher's been up allot tonight...hungry, growing boy!


Mackenzie said...

Hey! That's so cool you got to see the redwoods! Good luck with the hungry baby. hahaha

Mama Manak said...

awesome blog!

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