Sep 21, 2007

Diapers...what do do!

So...lately I've really been trying to save money and watch our budget carefully. I've read about how Luv's diapers are really good about not letting leaks I wanted to try them, however I couldn't find any place around here that sold them. So, I went online and found It's got the best prices for numerous brands of diapers and they also have free shipping if you get over $50 worth of merchandise. They have lotions, diaper creams, wipes, diapers and more. I used to buy diapers (huggies) at Costco because they were the cheapest, but even the Huggies on this website cost less than Costco! You can also send them coupons in the mail and they will add them to your account (Costco doesn't accept coupons), so that saves you even more money. Anyways...I thought i'd pass on the info. If you want to sign up enter this code (CuteBaby) to get money off your first order and I get $1.00 credit when you place your first order!


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