Dec 14, 2006

New friends...first Christmas!

This past Sunday my friend Jane, her husband Christopher and their baby David came to visit us from Peteluma, CA! It was great to see them. Our families have SO much in common! :)

Here is a picture of Christopher and his new friend David!

Christopher has been so much fun lately. He's now (almost) sitting up by himself! It lasts for about 10 seconds...then he falls on his face in front! He's grabbing everything...eating bananas...chewing everything else! He gets up on his hands and knees, but no crawling yet. He likes his highchair and Jumpy Jump. :) He also loves swinging! The following are a few pictures of Christopher...worn out from jumping!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Christen!
I love this picture of Christopher asleep in his jumpy jump!!! We have many of those of several of our children worn out the same way! Not all of our children enjoyed them the same way, but others could jump and jump for a long time!
Kudos to Jason for hanging the trim so Christopher can jump where you want him too!
We love you!
HUGS to Christopher!

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