Dec 9, 2008

Jib Jab laughs

I'M SO FRUSTRATED AT COMCAST!!!!! I just spent over 45 minutes on the phone with them... After about 4 months of trying to get their services to work, we decided to switch to AT&T. I called Comcast and cancelled the services we had with them. They cancelled them, but then reactivated them the next day, charging us all the activation charges as well! So, today I get a huge bill saying we have late fees as well! I "think" they figured it all out and cleared the bill, but boy was it frustrating!

So...I decided to take my frustration out on JibJab.

Check these out....I at least got a laugh!


Mackenzie said...

hahaha, so funny!! Maybe you should just send those out instead of Christmas cards this year... ;)

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