Oct 20, 2008

Archbishop Chaput

A friend e-mailed me this address delivered by Archbishop Chaput on October 17th. You can find the whole thing HERE, but I wanted to paste this excerpt on my blog. It's been really troubling me this election, how many people, even dedicated and committed Christians, place various issues over that of abortion.

The words of Archbishop Chaput:
"I believe that Senator Obama, whatever his other talents, is the most committed ''abortion-rights'' presidential candidate of either major party since the Roe v. Wade abortion decision in 1973. Despite what Prof. Kmiec suggests, the party platform Senator Obama runs on this year is not only aggressively ''pro-choice;'' it has also removed any suggestion that killing an unborn child might be a regrettable thing. On the question of homicide against the unborn child - and let's remember that the great Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer explicitly called abortion ''murder'' - the Democratic platform that emerged from Denver in August 2008 is clearly anti-life.

Prof. Kmiec argues that there are defensible motives to support Senator Obama. Speaking for myself, I do not know any proportionate reason that could outweigh more than 40 million unborn children killed by abortion and the many millions of women deeply wounded by the loss and regret abortion creates."


LA said...

AMEN! I love Archbishop Chaput! He doesn't mince words. Now if only the entire Church could put on the same courage. We are doing better than ever, but there is still more work to be done.

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