Sep 17, 2008

Money Saving Mom...

With the rising costs of food, especially here in the Bay Area, I've been consumed with trying to figure out a way to lessen our food bill. I stumbled across this SAHM's shopping blog and it's been amazing. There are alot of free samples out there if you only spend a few minutes to sign up on websites. I figure the free sample along with coupons they send, I'm actually saving us alot of money.

For instance, last week Cascade was giving away a free sample so I went to their website and signed up. They sent me 4 all in one cascade squares - thats 4 loads of dishes for free. Plus they sent me several save $1.50 off any cascade product coupons. Now I just need to watch Safeway and Walgreens and when their cascade products go on sale, I double up this coupon with the sale to save the maximum...pretty cool huh? It's going to require some effort and time on my part, but I've already scheduled Wednesday night as my night out to work on this. I'm going to go to Starbucks with my laptop and just delve into Money Saving. :)

Here is the website that has really helped me. There are also links from her blog to others, including blog giveaways.

I hope to post more about this in the future, but please keep me in your prayers as I delve into this project. Saving dollars is important! :)

P.S. Has anyone checked out any of these books?


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