Sep 22, 2008

My little Miss Monica cut her first tooth this morning! AH HA! Now I know why last week was such a difficult week for her. Not only did she have the cold that was passed around our family...but she was working hard to push this razor sharp tooth up through her gums! She just turned 9 months old and out popped this shiny pearl.

Last week all four of us were sick with colds. Poor Monica just wanted to be held, Christopher just wanted bottles and "Nino (nemo) please, Mommy." Both of them were up alot at night and Christopher would sleep in pretty late each morning. I didn't get a whole lot done, but we cuddled alot.

Last week I sent an e-mail to Breyers ice cream. We never get ice cream now because prices have just gone up so much in the food department. In my e-mail I told them that we've had to cut out things like ice cream from our shopping list and asked them if they might have a coupon I could use to get us a special treat. Yesterday I got a whole envelope of various coupons from them - including one for a free package of Breyers Ice Cream (up to 7.00)!!! Safeway often has Buy 1 Get 1 Free on Breyers Ice Cream, so I'm going to wait till that sale comes back and then I'll get two packages of Breyers Ice Cream for free! Jason's Patron Saint's feast day is September 29th (Feast of St. Michael) so maybe we'll celebrate with ice cream!

Also, yesterday was my little Sister, Mary Therese's, birthday! Happy Birthday and may God grant you many more, precious sister! I'm reminded of you quite often as Miss Monica reminds me allot of how you looked when you were her age.

Gotta get to bed now - more tomorrow...


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